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Julia Kaitlyn Photos


Following up our trip to Dutch Wonderland, we stayed in the area for the weekend. We went to the Strasburg Railroad, where Julia and Kaitlyn found the trains to be interesting. We didn’t bother riding the train on this trip, because (1) it was $40, and (2) I think they would have gotten bored very quickly. And with nowhere to go for an hour except sit in your seat isn’t all that much fun, regardless of what’s going on outside the train.

After visiting the railroad, we went to Intercourse to do all the typical Amish Country stuff. The trip to the Intercourse Pretzel Factory was a let down. They offered factory tours, but it was really just a demonstration in rolling your own pretzel, and not much else. At least the kids did get a piece of dough to play with. We followed that up with a trip to Shady Maple, a ridiculously sized smorgasbord. Unfortunately, Julia had just been woken up from a nap when we got there, so she was cranky and refused to eat anything there. By the time we were all done, she was just coming around. Fortunately, Kaitlyn was well behaved, and was happy just eating watermelon.

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Dutch Wonderland

We went to Dutch Wonderland last weekend, and had a really good time. The weather was a bit iffy in the morning, but the sun came out in the afternoon, and the girls stayed in it until they were practically falling asleep. We did most of the rides, and Julia was a bit hesitant to start. Kaitlyn, of course, showed no fear at all on any of the rides. Julia ended up loving the train ride, Kaitlyn liked the water park, and they were both a little too excited about the bumper cars. (Maniacal laughs followed every crash…)

Here are some pictures from our day there. More pictures from our weekend in Lancaster will be coming on Tuesday.

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Please Touch Museum – Part 4

Finishing up the pictures from the Please Touch Museum. There was a burger place, and the kids loved putting together burgers, putting them on trays, and bringing them over to us.

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Please Touch Museum – Part 3

Part three from the Please Touch Museum. There was a play shopping area, and the kids absolutely had a blast there. They had their mini shopping carts, and went all over the place, getting play food off the counters and out of the bins.

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Please Touch Museum – Part 2

Part two of pictures from the Please Touch Museum. Many of these pictures were from the Alice in Wonderland area. The kids really did enjoy playing in that area.

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Please Touch Museum

We deliberately planned on not having a birthday party for Kaitlyn. She’s at a stage right now where she does not want to be the center of attention (though from the last post, I would have a hard time believing it). So instead, we took her to the Please Touch Museum in Philly. There was definitely some concern on our part whether Kaitlyn and Julia would last long enough there before having a meltdown. Thankfully, they didn’t, and we had a great time.

Kaitlyn Photos

Kaitlyn’s 2nd Birthday

Kaitlyn celebrated her 2nd birthday a few weeks ago. My parents came down for a couple days, and we went to the Please Touch Museum. (Photos of Please Touch Museum will be coming soon.) Kaitlyn really liked the bicycle she got, and wanted to get on it right away, even though she can’t quite pedal yet. The cell phone was a huge hit too. She’s still playing with that one a lot, even playing with it as I type.

These are some pictures from the “party” we had, which was actually little more than inviting our neighbors over and having some cake that strangely tasted a bit like cornbread. It was good, but just a little odd for a birthday cake. Damn you, Martha Stewart.

Home Julia Photos

Julia’s Third Birthday

Julia turned 3 on Saturday, and we had a party for her. I can’t believe she’s already three years old! I still vividly remember taking Sharon to the hospital at 4am, then waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more. I remember cradling Julia and taking her right to the nursery from the OR, scared out of my mind that I was going to trip and fall. And now she’s three!

Julia Kaitlyn Photos

Picture Gallery #60