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Blizzard 2016

Oh no, it snowed! Then it snowed some more. And more. And more. This is just a simple timelapse I started before bed last night. The lens wasn’t so great, and that’s why it ends up getting blurry and then fixed. The snow really piles up around the 1:00 mark.

[videojs mp4=”″ height=”354″ width=”640″]

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Un-Broke: The Seth Green Cribs Edition

Un-Broke: The Seth Green Cribs Edition.

Silly video.

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Funny Picture

Wonder how many people thought this was how it really happened…


I shamelessly yanked this from Digg.

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Easter in December?

Why is CVS already bringing out the Easter stuff? I mean, I understand why retailers did that with Christmas (still crazy), as there’s a ton of money at stake. But Easter candy?

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Baby? Burrito?


Is this for real? That must have been a big burrito!

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Cartoon Theme Songs From the 80s

I stumbled on a collection of ten cartoon theme songs from the 80s.

This brought back many memories of watching cartoons on Saturday mornings. But after watching each of the videos, it was amazing that every one of these videos were a minute long, give or take a couple seconds.

What’s your favorite one? I was surprised to see GI Joe, He-Man, and Thundercats weren’t on the list, but someone posted links in the comments.

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Meh is now in the dictionary, according to this AP article. My response? Meh. Sharon and I have been using the term for years.

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Ms. Pac Man Commercial

Go here to watch an old-school Ms. Pac Man commercial. This stuff was actually on TV at one time? I was speechless after watching it, not knowing how to even react to it.

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Ashlee Simpson similar to Pink Floyd???

I really enjoy listening to Pandora. One thing that Pandora does is show similar artists to the one currently playing. It seems to work most of the time. However, this is what shows up when Pink Floyd starts playing:

Huh? How is Ashlee Simpson similar to Pink Floyd???

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After letting my other domain sit idle for several months, I’ve been adding stuff to my other blog, It uses Tumblr, which is perfect for those quick links or other odd things that I want to share, but don’t care to create a new post here. You can see it get updated on the right sidebar. Enjoy!